

【红网时刻】美国老夏在湖南 | 探寻长沙把“流量”变“留量” 的秘诀

发布时间:2023-05-15 作者:陈珉颖 樊令钰 责任编辑:宣传部 浏览次数: 来源:


 Editor notes: The increasing number of people, not only domestic tourists but also foreigners from other countries, has been attracted by Hunan’s charming natural scenery, delicious local snacks, special night market, countless Internet-famous sites, a time-honored history and rich culture. Denis, who comes from America, is one of them. He came here about five years ago and decided to stay here for a while. He wants to share everything which he experienced in Hunan and also provides a new way for us to know our hometown.

 红网时刻新闻记者 陈珉颖 樊令钰 长沙报道


 Changsha recently hosted the Weibo Super Internet Celebrities Festival. The Weibo Super Internet Celebrities Festival, known as the Oscars of the Internet celebrity sphere, is the leading super IP in China, bringing together super Internet influencers from all across the country. This time, they developed four distinct stages based on Changsha landmarks: Malanshan, Jiefang Xi, Chaozong Street and Pozi Street.


 300 Weibo celebrities gathered in Hunan International Convention and Exhibition Center (Mango Center). Denis won’t miss it for sure!


 Entering the venue, there was a sea of crazyfansinteracting with the celebrities. Deniswas wearing a T-shirt with eight large Chinese characters printed on it-"老外来了" (An internationalfriend has arrived) on the front and "老外走了" (An internationalfriend has left) on the back, joining in this lively feast. Thehumor, enthusiasm, and sociable nature of Denis attracted many peopleto gather aroundand took photos with him. Denissuccessfully made himselfapromisingstar!


 Taking advantage of the Weibo Super Internet Celebrities Festival, Internet celebrities actively acted as "Hunan cultural and tourism ambassadors", focusing on promoting distinctive cultural and tourism products of Hunan. They shared warm, powerful, and profound stories about Hunan's culture and tourism, allowing more people to understand the rich and unique cultural heritage and beautiful scenery of Hunan.


 Changsha being the site of the Weibo Super Internet Celebrities Festival is not a coincidence. Changsha's Internet celebrity economy has grown quickly in recent years, with over 1,800 KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) in the city.


 Nowadays, Wuyi Square, Orange Isle Bridge, and even some parks have become popular spots for live streaming by internet celebrities. These places used to be well-liked by the elderly. But now, these areas are gradually evolving into chic and popular hangouts, and even at two or three in the morning, they are still brightly lit as though it were daylight.


 During the recent International Workers' Day, Changsha attracted a large influx of visitors, creating an industrial clustering effect and once again becoming a popular tourist destination. Changsha is not only an Internet-famous city. Changsha transforms online influence into urban competitiveness. Embracing the opportunities to attract more potential customers, promoting online-to-offline commerce, offering considerate services. All of these efforts make Changsha an Internet-famous city to sustain its popularity and online influence.

来源:红网时刻 2023.05.12




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